Career Path is a feature that allows for users issued training to be fed their training in an order specified by Marco's. It regulates the order in which training is assigned based on role. 

When a new user is invited to MUO (on ExpandShare), they will have been given a role. This role will determine the overall training they will receive.

Training is assigned to the user in incremental steps, starting with Guest Ambassador training. This first stage includes training such as orientation. When the user has completed the training specifically for Guest Ambassador, they will then unlock the training for Insiders, and so on. The same logic is used to unlock the training for Driver, Shift Leader, Assistant Manager, and Manager. 

By default, the training ahead of the current role being trained is locked, and only shows once a role's training and skill checks have been completed, but this can be overridden on a per user basis. As the manager, you have the permission to go to individual users and unlock their training as needed.(Users do not have permission to do this to their own accounts.) 

This can be done by going to the Roadmap on ExpandShare, clicking location, selecting the store which holds the user whose training you'd like to override, then selecting the user from that list in the store. Once you have their profile open, you can see their career path as shown below.

This is where you can unlock other role's training for the user. NOTE that you can only unlock training for up to the role the user holds. For example, a shift Leader cannot have Assistant Manager training unlocked unless their role is updated to Assistant Manager or above.

In this example, we're going to unlock the Insider Training for the GM above even though they have not completed their Guest Ambassador training.

To unlock training for a user select a blip on the Career Path that is greyed out.

A page will open up showing the training set for this role specifically. 

Clicking the blue "Assign" button will pull up the dialog below.

Clicking "Yes" will then allow the user to see this training as available on their training tab. Another note is a user cannot see locked training on their training tab. When a role's training and skill checks are complete, the next role's training will automatically be assigned.

** In this example, if the user still has not completed their Guest Ambassador training, but completes their Insider training, they will not receive the Driver training, as they have never finished Guest Ambassador.

You can also unlock training out of order as well. This same user can have their Owner/Supervisor unlock the GM training too, even though the Driver, Shift Leader, and Assistant Manager training is still locked. These will still naturally unlock as the user progresses and completed the earlier role's training and Skill Checks.